Saturday, 12 February 2011

Screen Grabs of Contents Page

I used QuarkXpress to produce my Contents page:

To create a new QuarkXpress file, I clicked 'file', 'new project', changed the size to 'A4 Letter', ticked 'facing pages' and made the colums '3'.

After clicking ok, I clicked Ctrl+O to fit the page in window and this appeared. It is the master page.

On the top right hand of the screen, I dragged 3 more pages to the line, which is for the Contents page and double page spread.

Using page 2 for the contents page, I started by inserting 3 red rectangles for the titles. I used the 'Rectangle Text Box Tool' and filled the 'Box Colour' red. 

On top of the red rectangles I inserted 4 more boxes to type the titles. The top rectangle, I wrote 'Contents', black, using the font Tahoma, size 48pt. The 3 other titles are 17pt. Tahoma and are white.

Here I added the date and the email adress, using the 'Rectangle Text Box Tool'. The email adress is 12pt. and the date is 20pt. but they're both in black and are tahoma bold.

I used the 'Rectangle Text Box Tool' and insterted 3 boxes for the actual content. The font colour I used was Black, 9pt, Tahoma and bold. but the sublines are Plain, 8pt. and the page numbers are in red, Tahoma, Bold.

Using the 'Rectangle Picture Box Tool', I inserted 5 boxes, different sizes. 

I imported the pictures where the boxes are, however on some images, I had to make it fit the box, so I right clicked on it and clicked 'Scale Picture to box'.

After importing all the images and using the 'Content tool' to move around in the image in the box to how I would like it to look, I inserted page numbers on the corners of each image. I made it 'Tahoma', 'bold' and 12pt.

My final step, I inserted a smaller image of my font cover, on the top banner. I used the same tool: the 'Rectangle picture tool' for the image and imported the image.

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